Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kitchen Reveal!

Well, I have decided to redo the kitchen.  I wanted to do this last fall but with Jane's birth and starting preschool with Peter I just didn't have the time.  So I decided to do it in the Spring.  I was so surprised at how easy it was!  I wish I would have done it sooner.  It only took me a week.  I removed the cabinets to start on a Tuesday, then I primed and painted then put had hardware put on the next Tuesday.  Thank you, thank you to Michael Oliver for coming over and drilling holes for me! So this is the before picture.  Not bad, just not great.

 Yay!  Here is the after.  I just LOVE my kitchen now!  It looks so bright and airy.  I used to love the dark wood but I think my tastes have changed.  Now I'm all about opening things up and airing it out.  White is clean and fresh.  Can you spot my mother's day roses?  :)
 Let me draw your attention to a few fun details.  This is the wall art that I made after seeing my friend Stephanie's kitchen.  I got the supplies from Canton.
 Here is the hardware up close...trying to maintain the country, rustic, cottage feel of the rest of the house.
 I love my kitchen tray.  I keep it by the stove so I can grab the things I need quickly.  Most is functional like the olive oil and ring holder....but some is fun like the crystal Ikea clock and the homemade vanilla from my friend Colleen.
 Jars.  I love jars.  I keep things like quinoa, oats, couscous, and pretzels in them above my sink.  I also have made a habit of taping up the worship inserts from our church bulletin so I can sing and praise the Lord as I am in the kitchen....which is a lot!
 My canisters.  Only two...but I think they are cute.  My friend Stephanie (same gal that had the silverware art) made me some chalk board tags to use around the house.  This is where two of them landed.  :)
I think this is my favorite part of my kitchen.  My kitchen cart.  Jeff and Laura bought it for me at a garage sale and I painted it white.  I change it with the season...this is the spring version.  But it adds such charm and fun to the kitchen space.

I have often heard it said that the kitchen is the heart of the home.  I truly believe that.  The kitchen is where I cook for those that I love, worship the King, and where we gather together to eat, talk and grow closer as a family.  I am so grateful that the Lord has given us this kitchen do all of those things.  What a blessing for us!


At May 26, 2012 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

Oh Keri, I LOVE your kitchen!!! You did a fantastic job! Would you please fly to Louisville and help me decorate our new apt? I could use your creativity and help!! Haha... :-) I love mason jars too and may just have to copy your shelf idea! Thanks for sharing!!


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