Tuesday, June 26, 2012

There and back again....our trip to Florida

We came home from San Antonio for a few days and then Brent and I packed up the kids in the car and drove 17 hours to get to Sunnyside, Florida where my grandma lives on the beach.  The drive down was wonderful!  On advice from my friend, Laura, I went to the dollar store and bought enough little prizes and snacks to dish out in increments throughout the drive.  Brent and I started the Ranger's Apprentice on cd and we stopped at all of the state line tourists stops.  We drove through East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and landed in Florida.  We met my parents there and Jessica and Shawn came a few days later.  Such a wonderful family reunion! 
 Most mornings my parents bought us iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and we enjoyed them on the back porch of my grandma's house.
 Then we hit the beach!  The roar of the waves and the blinding-white sand were beautiful.  We had a blast playing in the surf and marveling at creation.

 Sleepy girl.  :)  Jane got to put her feet in the ocean for the first time and was fascinated by the sand that stuck to her little fingers.
 Mom bought lots of little sand molds and we spent many fun moments making sand animals and castles. Don't forget to decorate with sea weed!

 "Who has numbered every grain of sand?  Behold, our GOD!"
 There we a lot of helicopters that flew over...we waved at them all.  :)

 Peter and Gramma soakin' up the rays!

 This is one of my favorite pictures.  Love my little man.
 Mom, the boys and I buried Brent in the sand. Totally his idea, I promise.
 Look, Jane....Ocean!
 Justin insisted on putting his head on the sand.  He said he liked the way it felt.  Finally Mom went and put him on a towel after he got sand packed in his ear. Mom and Dad joked that he was liked a little chihuahua puppy.   :)
 We had a good time going out and about too.  We had a few meals out and even went to a Goodwill.  My kind of vacation!
 Can you believe this shell?!  And this is not the smallest that was found.  To think that there is so much detail in something so small; God surely has creativity.  How great an artist He is to carve something so small with so much care.
 My Grandma, Corrie.  She was so loving to open up her home and do so much to make us feel welcome and comfortable.  I just lover her easy-going nature and her witty comments.  I always know we are going to laugh and have a good time when Corrie is there!
 There is something so whimsical about flying a kite on the beach...
 We didn't get to spend too much time with Jess and Shawn, but we were able to have a few good walks and meals together before we had to drive back to Ft Worth.  :)
We had such a wonderful time beholding God's creation and celebrating His goodness with our family.  Certainly God is good everywhere and we love our family always....but I am so grateful for times like these where the ties between family and the majesty of our Creator are brought to new heights.


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