Friday, May 31, 2013

Home sweet home

As promised, here are some pics of the apartment where we are staying...and it turns out we DO have a mailing address!  Yay!  We were told that there was none for us, but then today the apartment manager said we did.  Nice!
So we park our cars in a parking space in front of the apartments and then we open an outside door with our keys which leads to the court yard.  We have our own palm tree!  Love.  The apartment kids (there are tons!  The apartment manager alone has six!) ride their bikes and scooters around and around and play all kinds of games.  Our kids are eating it up.  :)

                                            Here is the kitchen....
                                            living room...
Boy's room...

            our room... (no more bunk beds, we just put two twin mattresses together!)
                     and the bathroom. The boys' room also has a half bath.

We just love our little place.  It was fun unpacking all of the boxes and seeing a few familiar things to set out and use.  We are settled and comfortable and praising the Lord for providing for all of our needs.  We couldn't ask for more and He is so gracious beyond anything we deserve.
Love from California!


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