Isn't nature grand?!
We have been learning about pictographs in school and about the terms 'more' and 'few' when my text book suggested that the class go on a nature walk and collect leaves to categorize, I jumped all over the opportunity! We went to Botanic Gardens and took a nature walk.
We found the spot where Brent and I had our prayer date a few days before Justin was born. Among many things we prayed for his safe delivery and for our family ties to be strengthened. Just look how the Lord has provided!
My big helpers!
There was a wonderful opportunity to practice matching the shapes of the leaves we found with the ID photos. Peter did really well!
Haha. Little J!
We found these crazy looking things....what are they? Not persimmons...or apples....some kind of berry/nut/seed off the tree.
Later that week it it POURED! The boys ran around the yard for about 30 minutes, then decided that towels and watching a movie sounded better...or at least warmer.
Peter has learned to write his name! I'm so proud! He still needs some prompting as to which letter comes next, but he gets it!
Lady has discovered the wonderful world of Chick-fil-a milkshakes! Mmmmmmm. We are praising the Lord for nature, leaves, rain, and taste buds!!